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2024-01-03 21:34:09 ,,,,,,

  Oceans cover about 70% of the Earths surface. The oceans affect many things on the Earth, especially the weather and temperature. The oceans are all connected to one another. There were four recognized oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic.
  The oceans and seas contain about 5 x 10 16 tons of salts. The salt content of ocean water is different. The least salty seas are in the North and South poles, because of the melting ice and a lot of rain.
  There are many w**es on the oceans, the winds cause w**es. If the winds are stronger, the w**es will be larger. A tsunami is a series of huge w**es, it caused by an underwater earthquake, or a small comet hit the ocean.
  Tide rises and falls of large area of water. Tides are caused by the gr**itational interaction between the Earth and the Moon.
  The water cycle starts form oceans. The water from ocean to air to ground to ocean.
  There are many animals live in the oceans, too.


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